WP Mastery Weekly - Issue #1

Hey, hope you're having a great week!

I apologize for not sending WP Mastery Weekly on Monday this week, but I sure think that the tradeoff is worth it. In the background, I added a few automations that'll help me stay more consistent in providing fantastic curated content for you!

The newsletter will now be structured more efficiently and you'll have an easier time to skim through it, filtering for the article that helps you grow your agency the most.

I'm super excited about these new tools. I've linked to YouTube video I followed in the "Business & Growth" section of this newsletter.

Hope you enjoy it!

Business & Growth

Growing Authority: 5 Steps for Turning Mentions into Links (and turning PR into SEO) | Orbit Media Studios
Andy Crestodina nailed it again. In this article, he explains how growing authority on your website helps you get more traffic and grow your agency.

Hiring and Building a Winning Digital Marketing Team
Need more sales and better digital marketing for your agency? Maybe it's time to build a marketing team.

Creating a weekly newsletter to nurture leads - Part 2 - Tools - YouTube
Creating a weekly newsletter to nurture leads - Part 2 - Tools - YouTubewww.youtube.com
Interesting video by James Rose on how to efficiently send weekly email newsletters. I've set this up in less than 1 hour.

WordPress News & Tools

WordPress Poised to Begin Implementing Proposal to Auto-Update Older Sites to 4.7 – WordPress Tavern
WordPress Poised to Begin Implementing Proposal to Auto-Update Older Sites to 4.7 – WordPress Tavernwptavern.com
WordPress contributors discuss auto-updating sites older than version 4.7 in a controlled process.

Writing Better WordPress Code: PHPStan | Tom McFarlin
Don't we all strive for writing better code? It's not that our clients would appreciate it directly, but they'll appreciate more efficient sites and less maintenance issues.

How-To's & Dev

How WordPress Sites Get Hacked (For Non-Techies) | Liquid Web
How WordPress Sites Get Hacked (For Non-Techies) | Liquid Webwww.liquidweb.com
I wrote this article to explain for non-techies how WordPress sites get hacked. It's a basic post you can send to your clients if they wonder why they should invest in security.

How to Stop Image Hotlinking in WordPress (4 Easy Methods)
How to Stop Image Hotlinking in WordPress (4 Easy Methods)wplift.com
Other blogs using your images is a pain. Here's how you can at least stop image hotlinking on your client sites.

JayWood/jw-wpcli-shortcode-scraper: A WP-CLI script to scrape all blog posts for shortcodes ( registered or not ) and provides you a report after complete with CSV capability.
A WP CLI Shortcode Scraper that lets you find any shortcode used in a WordPress site. Nice tool to get an overview when you're starting to work on an existing WordPress site.

Random Articles

11 Networking Tips When You're Crunched for Time
I certainly need to work on #1 and #5. Networking has been essential for me in the past years, but there's always room for improvement 🙂

You’ve Been Drinking Microplastics, But Don’t Worry—Yet | WIRED
Not directly related to WP, but we finally need to find a way to reduce plastics in the environment! Drinking microplastic is not a pleasant thought.

The Largest DDoS Attacks & What You Can Learn From Them
The Largest DDoS Attacks & What You Can Learn From Themblog.sucuri.net
DDoS attacks are frightening for all website owners. These were the four biggest ones. Knowing them is handy when negotiating security upsells with your clients!

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoy this handpicked list of articles! If you think that I'm missing certain topics or blogs, don't hesitate to reach out and let me know!


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