What Would You Ask Pat Flynn?

I'm having an interview with Pat Flynn on Thursday, June 13th at 8pm PST. And I want to know, what YOU would ask him, if you had the chance!

I bet that you have heard of him before, he is publishing a monthly income report on his blog , his podcast has been downloaded over 3 million times and right now he's starting his Niche Site Duel 2.0.

The purpose is to talk about his book Let Go (Amazon, Snippet App), where he shares his experience about being let go from his job and building his internet business.

On June 17th he launches the Let Go Day to celebrate his start in internet business. So, this is the day, when the interview will be published on my blog.

What would you ask Pat Flynn?

Please leave a comment and tell me, what you would ask Pat Flynn, if you had the chance to ask him ONE question.

I'll include your questions in my interview, so that you'll get the answer on Monday 🙂

Best regards,



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