The Overwhelmed Mind

The overwhelmed mind doesn't make good decisions.

You need to stay in control over your emotions and the actions you take to grow as a human and to grow your business.

Easier said than done, right?

Here are three action steps you can take today to become more stable in every aspect of your life:

1️⃣ Carry a small notebook and pen with you.

Whenever you notice your thoughts taking over control, write down what you're thinking about.

Self-awareness is key.

2️⃣ Surround yourself with people who can set accurate goals.

Dreaming about 10X-ing your business is great.

If you don't know the exact steps to take though, it'll frustrate and paralyze you.

3️⃣ Focus on leading indicators.

Do not focus on your revenue primarily.

Focus on how many sales conversations you have.

Focus on how many new subscribers you get into your funnel.

There's obviously a lot more to building a business you'll enjoy running.

But these three steps have proven critical not just for me but for any of my mentors too.

Let me know in the comments what you do to keep your momentum up!

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