You might know that I'm currently launching my WordPress maintenance, security & customization service. But I'm also taking part in the Intentional Blogging Challenge by Jeff Goins, that I hope will take my blog to the next level.
This is day 3 in the challenge and actually the first post that I publish for it.
Jeff is asking us to define our voice, the style of writing that is authentically us. I think that I'm already pretty good at writing in my own style, yet because I'm German I think that it could refine it a little bit. Since SimplyWP will also depend on content marketing, it's mandatory for me to write with a unique style that totally fits my person.
Thanks Jeff, for coming up with this exercise. It's a bit uncomfortable to share these very intimate thoughts with the public, yet I see this as option to get out of my comfort zone - which always is a good thing.
Jeff wants the members of his challenge to go through the following 10 steps. So let's get into it:
Ambitious, helpful, geeky
I do my very best. I think that in my posts my ambition shines through. I try to show helpfulness in the projects I'm tackling, speaking of SimplyWP, Restart Academy and JK TV. My geekyness comes to lightly in the content I'm publishing and in the work I'm doing as a web designer, developing custom website & WordPress plugins.
I try to keep my contents easy to follow for people without a background in IT, because these are the ones that usually benefit most from leveraging IT. Geeks who already know how to use WordPress, know how to code, (etc.) can leverage these opportunities on their own, while those without a deep understanding of IT might find new opportunities in my content, which they can exploit to grow their business
My ideal reader is interested in building an online business. He's ambitious to learn new things about business models, leveraging WordPress to grow his business and wants to live life on his own terms.
My ideal reader doesn't give a shit about the grammar mistakes that I might be making, because he knows that I'm German and that English isn't my first language. And he gives feedback on the content that I'm creating, so that I know whether I'm on track with my content strategy and business model or not.
My favorite books are:
The Freaks Shall Inherit The Earth by Chris Brogan. It's pure fun to read and Chris shares ridicolously amounts of value. It's easily one of the best books I've ever read.
Launch by Jeff Walker. Jeff's tips on launching a business are well-known to be the reason for millions of dollars in revenue.
The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. No need to explain why this one is on this list. It's an evergreen.
The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz edited by Dan Kennedy. This book conveys awesome information on how beliefs, our subconscious and mindset play together in achieving our goals.
Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port. Great blueprint on building profitable businesses, online and offline.
I like those books because all of them convey massive value and really helped me to grow my business. If I had to name 5 books that aspiring entrepreneurs should read, here they are.
The authors all have a very pleasant style of writing, which makes it easy and fun to read these books.
My favorite artists currently are Hardwell, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Metallica, Linkin Park, or Red Hot Chili Peppers. I listen to music from different genres as you can see, because I don't like to be pigeon-holed.
Speaking of cultural influences, I'm currently reading Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse and I thoroughly enjoy it. I also enjoy arts of Salvador Dali. Other than that, I can't name any particular cultural influences. As I said, I don't pay attention to any specific genres, I just enjoy the culture that I'm encountering in my daily life.
I don't really integrate those influences and artists into my writing, but I probably should. Currently I'm just sharing music videos on social media, because they make me happy and I hope that people in my audience enjoy them as well. We'll see how I'm going on with integrating those influences into my writing, I'll definitely pay more attention to it from now on.
I want to be honest with you. Because of the launch I can't do follow this point currently, I simply don't have time to it. I did a similar exercise while going through Book Yourself Solid a few months ago, which resulted in the style of writing that you're reading right now.
Again, due to lack of time I'll keep this one for later. I'm not sure if I'll publish the free written content, because I want my content to be helpful to you. So if I end up writing content that won't bring you any insights, it's likely that I won't publish it 😉
I just went through the latest post on service-based online businesses and I would read this post if I'd come across it on another blog.
Hell yes! If I wouldn't, I would not continue this blog. I truly think that I can only deliver value when I'm truly enjoying what I'm doing.
I normally feel excited and curious when I hit publish. I'm curious about the feedback from my readers and hope that I created something of value for them. I try to be vulnerable in every piece of content that I publish, because I believe that only showing imperfection lets people relate to each other.
That's my thoughts on day 3 of Jeff Goin's Intentional Blogging Challenge.
If you want to join the challenge, you can do so here.