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I get this a lot...

"In a dream world, my lead magnets would just funnel into sales directly."

"Right now, even warm leads on my list don't know which offer is right for them."

"I had no idea that copywriting isn't enough to make money from emails."

What if those issues were gone and you knew that new subscribers would get nurtured well and turn into buyers?

That's what I do.

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What Is Email Marketing Coaching?

Nod along if any of this sounds like you:

  • You are spending a lot of time on email marketing tactics that are not effectively turning subscribers into customers.
  • You feel confused by the options for using tags, autoresponders, and segments,
  • And your newsletters don't get the number of opens or clicks you want to see.

You focus on small details, like creating new opt-in forms or lead magnets, because it provides a sense of accomplishment - but they do NOT improve your email marketing outcomes.

That's where email marketing coaching comes in.

My coaching shows you what to do in your email marketing to get measurable results. 

Why Hire A Coach?

Today's marketing landscape requires entrepreneurs and creators to keep pace with trends while not losing track of operating their businesses. Success requires building engaged audiences, deploying empathy at scale, and repeatable processes in creation and sales.

Jan runs practical and strategic coaching sessions based on his experience of running an online business for over a decade which he built from zero to six figures. He's been involved in multi-million dollar projects and sent millions of emails himself.

He's learned what sets apart profitable email marketing strategies from the competition - and applies his knowledge in a down-to-earth, practical process to supercharge your email marketing.

Deep Digital Marketing Experience

Access diverse knowledge derived from tens of thousands of hours spent setting up marketing campaigns for hundreds of clients across the globe.

Automate Building Relationships

Get new subscribers to know, like, and trust you. Build relationships with your email subscribers to convert them into leads and sales effectively.

Turn A Profit With Your Newsletter 

Newsletters sell, keep referrals coming, reduce churn, and improve customer satisfaction. Simplify your newsletter and get more results.

Deploy Effective Processes

Save time in writing email newsletters, leverage email automation, repurpose your existing content and increase your productivity.

Autoresponders That Get Read & Convert

Discover the secret behind autoresponders that get read and convert subscribers into leads and customers every time.

On-Demand Expert Support

Receive 1:1 expert guidance to challenging and impactful decisions in your email marketing strategy. You're not in this alone.

The Right Emails At The Right Time

Engage your subscribers by sending them the right emails at the right time. Present relevant offers in every email.

Be Accountable, Keep Motivated

Focus on what matters, build automation that scales, use proven processes, and celebrate wins along the way.

"Working with Jan is a breath of fresh air."

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When the new lead magnet launches, THEN I'll finally get subscribers that buy from me.

When I finish this new email sequence, THEN I'll get new subscribers to know, like, and trust me.

When I use this new email platform, THEN I'll be able to get sales each week.

When I have this new offer out, THEN my subscribers will buy.

So why does all of this never work?

Because this 'WHEN-THEN' thinking is a trap and distracts you from the real problem you've got to solve.

And when it comes to our email lists, we think: WHEN I have more subscribers, THEN I'll get more sales every week (and finally take time off, be present for my family, or upgrade my lifestyle).

You're experimenting a lot, thinking "If I just find the right platform or email formula, my subscribers will buy."

Shiny object syndrome is real, you keep playing with:

  • New copywriting formulas for your newsletters.
  • Tools like Canva to create new lead magnets.
  • You check out every email marketing platform like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, or ActiveCampaign.
  • Productivity tools to finally become consistent with your newsletter.

And you're not new to email marketing -- you've spent years building your business and tried nurturing sequences, exit-intent pop-ups, automated funnels, etc. You know email marketing.

So why do you feel like you're still leaving money on the table and don't feel proud about your email list? Why do you still feel like your subscribers don't truly care about your newsletter and offers?

When you're drowing in tiny tweaks in your emails or tech, it's actually impossible to do the work that moves the needle for your email marketing.

We're great at sending more content and testing more subject line formulas. But making time for deep thinking and identifying what truly holds back our results? Impossible.

Those 'tiny' tasks that you're constantly working on? Tasks like:

  • Pitching your newsletter on social media every day
  • Researching the next subject line checker
  • Spending days comparing Mailchimp to ConvertKit to get more results

The 'big' things are the things that pay off in the future. They compound over time but saying"I'll get to this tomorrow" is way too easy because they don't have an immediate payoff. And that's a big problem.

"Jan is one of the most hard-working, honest and dedicated persons I know"

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Jacob Warwick

C-Suite Career & Entrepreneur Coach

"Working with Jan is a breath of fresh air. Over the years, he has established and developed all of the technical marketing and revenue operations to help me enable my sales teams and individual 'solopreneur' success. 

From email marketing campaigns, to website development, to digital event logistics, to lightning-fast SEO that ranks — Jan is my go-to — and should be yours too."

Michelle Mills-Porter

The People Reader & Professional Speaker

"No one walks the talk like Jan.
I met him at an exclusive VIP Mastermind group where he blew me away with his knowledge and we very quickly started a collaboration.

Jan brought a level of professionalism that I could not have achieved without him.

Throughout, he was my expert, my right  hand, my safety net... he literally blew me away with his generosity, his passion, and his expertise."

Navid Moazzez

Lifestyle Entrepreneur & Investor

"Jan is one of the most hard-working, honest, and dedicated persons I know. And that’s really an understatement. Ever since I met Jan in a mutual mastermind, I was impressed by his knowledge of building online businesses and entrepreneurship.

I turn to Jan when I need advice for my own websites, email sequences, and projects, and more often than not, he comes back with awesome tips almost instantly. "

Jacob Warwick

Marketing Coach for Digital Agencies

"When Jan asked me to speak at his impressive Build Your Audience Summit I said yes within minutes! 

My highlight was being interviewed by Jan. His questions were well researched, thought-provoking and designed to create maximum value for his audience.

I highly recommend working with Jan. He's super knowledgably, supportive and will inspire you to be at your best! "

Anthony John Amyx

Life and Business Strategist

"Jan is the BEST web guy I've EVER worked with!  He's fast and knows exactly what to do. 

When I've wanted custom things built, he ACTIVELY found a SOLUTION. 

Anyone who comes to me looking for a good web guy who can plug marketing systems together to improve their email and sales systems, I immediately connect them with Jan. 

Malaika Neri

Malaika Neri

Dating Coach, Advanced Relationship Skills

"Thank you for the calls!!! So great to learn all this stuff :) Thank you SO MUCH for answering all my Q’s."

Todd Terwillegar

Content Marketing Manager, Canto

"Jan is both a talented web developer as well as an exceptional writer. When Jan told me that English was not his native language, I was shocked.

Jan is a guest blogger for the Liquid Web Blog, and his content is thorough, full of value, and superbly written."

Henneke Duistermaat

Copywriter, Enchanting Marketing

"As I'm a non-techie, projects like improving website speed can feel overwhelming to me. But not with Jan Koch as he communicated his plan in plain English and patiently answered my questions. 

Jan Koch and his team improved the performance of my home site from E to A, and the performance of web pages from F to C as per Page Speed Scores measured by GT Metrix."

Dennis Yu

CTO, Blitzmetrics

"So rare nowadays to see folks like Jan who see projects through to completion and is a master of relationships.

Whether it's email marketing, virtual summits, social media, WordPress, courses, or whatever, I have 100% faith in Jan to do it well and with a smile."

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Profitable email marketing starts with identifying and nurturing your HIGH-ROI Subscribers.

High-ROI subscribers are those people on your email list that are in the buying window or have bought from you in the past. The people who are on the fence of buying and would just need a gentle nudge at the right time to pull the trigger and work with you.

If you have no idea who those people are and you have no way of sending a newsletter JUST TO THEM and not to the entire list, you've got a problem.

That's the missing piece of the puzzle. It's the reason why your autoresponders don't sell as much as they could. Why your newsletters don't get engagement.

Luckily, it's not difficult to turn the ship around if you know what to do. Results like these are certainly possible for you (even in highly-competitive markets like digital marketing):
Sequence metrics

When you have clarity about what each unique subscriber wants, you're able to maximize the income from your email list.

Hi, I'm Jan. I spent the last decade learning email marketing so you don't have to.

In my early twenties, I experienced burnout in the corporate rat race. Building a profitable online business without working myself into the ground was my way out of the hamster wheel.

The path to building my six-figure business was paved with lessons and learnings - forcing me to learn skills like copywriting, sales, email marketing, and self-awareness.

Since 2012, I've been building my email list and learning how to write better emails. During that time, I sent well over 1.5 million newsletters and built hundreds of autoresponders for myself and my clients.


I pivoted in business countless times. One thing never changed, my email subscribers stayed with me. While every pivot into a new business model changed what I was doing in business, I always built a personal relationship with my subscribers.

I've got thousands of subscribers who stuck with me throughout all those changes and hundreds who supported me by buying my new products.

All because I nurtured them well, built deep relationships with my subscribers, and segmented my list so I didn't annoy subscribers with pitches on offers they weren't interested in.

Having that email list as the backbone of my business lets me sleep like a baby even amidst the biggest economic challenges. I know that I can print money and I want you to experience the same.

Introducing Email Marketing Coaching

One-to-one, six weeks, guaranteed results.

Use a proven, repeatable system to turn your existing email list into a predicate income source so you can earn more revenue and build deeper relationships with your audience (and work less).

Over the course of six week, you'll learn the secrets of high-performing email lists and segment your email subscribers so you can:

  • Better nurture new subscribers and turn them into first-time customers
  • Write targeted autoresponders to sell your offers effectively
  • Personalize your newsletter and automated emails
  • Increase your open rates and click rates
  • Get the important work done without losing yourself in technical details.

Why You Need Email Marketing Coaching

Here's a week-by-week breakdown of what we'll work on to turn you into an email marketing superhero.

1. Get email marketing basics right.

You'd be surprised about all the fundamentals that often go wrong in email marketing.

"I don't know why my subscribers don't buy" is a common complaint from my students when we start working together.

In the first week, I'll help you get clarity about who is on your list and how you need to nurture and sell to them effectively.

Discover the levers to pull that move the needle in your email marketing.

2. Create a system for your tags and segments.

The overlooked ingredient in any highly profitable email list is a system of clever tagging and segmenting. 

I'll show you how you can structure your tags in a way that tells you how close each subscriber is to buy from you.

We'll also go over automated sequences that hook into specific tags for better nurturing and sales.

3. Create and refine nurturing & sales sequences.

Stack the deck in your favor, knowing that every subscriber will be nurtured in a personalized way that speaks to their unique wants and needs. 

You'll learn how to set up automated sequences that send the right email at the right time - and we'll remove all tech-overwhelm in the process.

This stuff is easy if you've set the right foundation - which you've done at this stage in the program.

4. Optimize your email newsletter.

If you're not emailing your list once a week or more, you're leaving money on the table - I've got the data to prove that.

Let me show you how to write email newsletters people want to read in virtually no time. These newsletters can also function as a source for your social media content, blog posts, and more.

You'll feel excited about your newsletter once you see open rates and sales go up!

5. Maximize customer lifetime value.

According to Oberlo, email marketing has a 42X Return On Investment. Spend $1 on email marketing and get $42 back.

You'll learn how to set up re-engagement campaigns to warm up cold subscribers, recover abandoned carts, cross-sell with relevant products, and more.

Let's maximize the value of each subscriber without ruining the relationship with them.

6. Grow your list to put fuel on the fire.

With all automated sequences, segmentation campaigns, and tagging in place, you're now ready to scale your list and add more subscribers.

You'll learn strategies that grow your list with the right people, who get funneled through welcome sequences and targeted sales campaigns automatically.

It's time to put fuel on the fire.

Join My Email Marketing Coaching and get ...

Weekly 1:1 Calls

Many students say this is the best part of the program. 

I will answer all of your questions on the 1:1 calls and talk through concepts to help you put what you’re learning into action in your business. All questions are welcome.

Email Swipe Copy, Templates, and more

iMac mockup

I've built swipe copy, spreadsheets, and templates so you can implement what you learn straight away.

No tinkering with the tech, you can get to work directly and skip ahead on the learning curve.

Add the missing piece to your email marketing strategy and get results.

6 weeks of 1:1 coaching

Weekly, recorded calls - tailored directly to your needs. We'll accommodate your schedule and availability.

Tailored strategies

Learn how to send the right email to the right subscribers.

Nurture and automate

Tag subscribers based on their interests and desires to personalize the nurturing sequences.

Save time with templates and sheets

Use my spreadsheets, templates, and overviews to get clarity and save time implementing what you're learning.

Unlimited email and WhatsApp support

Get direct access to me via email and WhatsApp or Signal to get answers quickly and build momentum in your business.

Get all questions answered

Email marketing needs to tie into many aspects of your business. I'm happy to answer questions beyond email and give my perspective based on more than a decade in business and sending over 2 million newsletters to my audience.

Start within the next week

I only take 10 members at a time - if the checkout process is open, you can claim one of those slots. You'll get into my onboarding sequence after enrolling, so that we can start within just a few days.

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