Get 100 Daily Visitors in 2 Months

Just like every other entrepreneur I need to quickly figure out how I can get traffic to my site. And so do you.

Having lots of targeted visitors on your site is essential. This is the reason why I'm steadily searching for new methods to get traffic to my site to build up the foundation of making money, regardless of the number of my products. This is true for every entrepreneur.

Because this is such a basic rule, I want to reveal the ways that bring my audience to my website. From May 1st to May 28th I got 1.636 unique visitors, which is more than I ever expected. This is why I want to share my concept with you. As you can see, my bounce rate is really high, so that's something I definitely need to work on. But for now I'm happy about the overall amount of traffic I get to my site.

If you don't get traffic to my site, you won't sell a single product!

This is the rule, that you need to follow right from the beginning, even if you knew only very few things about things like SEO or copywriting.

I started to learn the essentials for optimizing my website. I followed topic related blogs like Copyblogger or CrazyEgg. I bought books and listened to podcasts talking about SEO.

Probably the most important step I made was, to start using Long Tail Pro and Market Samurai. Those links are affiliate links. I think, that those programs can boost your traffic, because they help you to choose the right keyword. And they tell you about the competition you're facing. You can test those programs for free through this affiliate links. Don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions.

Optimize Your Posts and Pages


As I developed a keyword strategy, I needed to take action. In my blog I installed a SEO plugin what helps me to optimize my pages and posts.

This is a real balancing act. On the one side you need to provide real value for your audience.

Your content needs to resolve the problems your audience has. Providing new insights, commenting on actual situations or just refreshing knowledge could be some examples for interesting content.

On the other side you'll want to create content according to the rules of SEO. Search engines robots need to understand your content and more important the topic. Search engines need to assign your content to the right keywords.

This is why I STRONGLY recommend the use of the above mentioned keyword tools and SEO plugins for WordPress.


Components in On-Site SEO

  • Keyword density in texts
  • Keywords in (sub-) headings
  • Keyword in URLs
  • Title and Meta-Description tags
  • Images and Alt-Attributes
  • Readibility of texts
  • Loading times


Off-Site Optimization

I get traffic to my site because I not only rely on optimizing my own page. Off-site factors are really important, because they tell Google that other people like your content. Google (as biggest search engine) likes to see, that others value your content and interact with you.

The equation is pretty easy. The more interaction you have with others, the higher your website will rank.

I'm focussing on backlink building for off-site optimization. Therefore I publish guest posts here and here. Also I tend to comment a lot on various blogs, to drive traffic naturally to my site.

Of course, social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus are important as well.

Another factor that you might want to know is called Google Authorship. You can link your blog to your Google Plus profile. All the people in your circles (and probably their contacts as well) will see your articles higher ranked in Google search, because Google knows that those people like to interact with you.

There are many more aspects to consider for off-site optimization link anchor texts, anchor density or others. But I don't focus on them right now, so I won't discuss them here.

I just try to get a natural backlink structure.


Components in Off-Site SEO

  • Blog commenting
  • Guest blogging
  • Article directories
  • Social networks
  • Social bookmarking
  • Youtube
  • Forums


Now you know, what concept I have for search engine optimization. This is how I get traffic to my site, without any hidden methods or tricks. It get's nothing better than this.


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